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Wallpaper Terms And What They Mean?

Posted by Taylor Muller on Feb 28th 2019

Ever open a wallpaper book and wonder what all the terms that they use are? Below are a few of those terms and their definition to help make purchasing and hanging unsterstandable.

Single Roll- Quantity that wallpapers is priced by.

Double Roll- Quantity that wallpapers is shipped. Most common size is 20.5 inches wide and 33 feet long or 56.4 square feet. 2 single rolls equal 1 double roll.

Repeat- The vertical length of the pattern until it starts over. A pattern will need to be cut up to that length in order to line-up as you continue on the space that you are papering. The longer the repeat the more waste there will be.

Straight Match- When lining up the next strip of wallpaper that pattern lines up in a straight flow.

Random Match- No lining up is necessary when hanging the next strip of wallpaper.

Random Match Reversible- Very similar to random match however the design is flipped upside down on every other strip.

Drop Match- The pattern lines up at the ceiling as a straight match on every other strip. This allows for a diagonal flow of the pattern and requires more planning while hanging the paper.

Prepasted- Wallpapers pasted in the manufacturing of the wallpaper and is activated with water while hanging the wallpaper. No further glue is necessary.

UnPasted- The wallpaper comes unpasted from the manufacturer and is applied with wallpaper adhesive while hanging.

Peel & Stick- Wallpaper that is peeled to expose its adhesive while applying.

Paste the Paper- Wallpaper adhesive is applied to the wallpaper itself before hanging the paper on the wall.

Paste the Wall-Wallpaper adhesive is applied to the wall before hanging the wallpaper.